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Before and After Work

Featured are images that I worked on for various clients that illustrate my Photoshop image manipulation skill set.

Artifact: Creative Recycle


Original Image

Before Image


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The photo was missing half of the rug and bag (among other things). It also had many other unwanted objects in frame; boots, plants and background wall were eventually erased from the photo. I intensified the color, lightened certain parts of the source photo and added boots and graphics to finish off this advert.

Original Photo: Fabio Prieto & Leah Meijer

Model: Halla Williamson

Sirius Media LLC

These images were created while working with Sirius Media LLC for Northwest Wools.


Original Image


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The client asked for the scarf image and the paper image to be put together in the same image.

In order to keep the bright and warm feel of the scarf and keep the unique type of the text and logo, I decided to place the two together so that the paper image looked like a paper business card/label on the scarf. I mostly used masking, layer adjustments, vector selections, and transformation tools with light painting and dodging.

Original Photo: Jackie Kraybill

Scarf: Silloway Weaving