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Rose City Yarn Crawl

Rose City Yarn Crawl

Website Redesign | Graphic Design | Wire Frames | Responsive Design

The Rose City Yarn Crawl has been a local Portland experience for almost a decade. It is a vibrant celebration by and for local knitting and crocheting enthusiasts. The RCYC’s brand is quirky, enthusiastc, and very much patterned around a tight-knit community for Portland’s fiber enthusiasts. As a result, their website design needed a quick loading UI for both its admin and users to help navigate the RCYC’s sites and events. This website design mixes a clean and open-feeling environment with squiggle lines of bright blues in order to capture the playful nature of the local knitting stores and bubbly busy owners involved in the events. The design of the site is neat and places importance more on the patterns being sold at each location, the events at each location and how to participate in the Rose City Yarn Crawl. In a collaborative effort with Sirius Media LLC, Avocational Design helped design wire frames, visual design proofs, and site maps that lead to a website that reflects the unwavering enthusiasm of the Rose City’s crafty knitting experience that is Rose City Yarn Crawl.

Design Process

Take a look at some of the process.

Design Ideation

While brainstorming the informational architecture of the site, it was important to consider the flow of the user’s experience. Luckily, we had been able to meet with multiple members of the Rose City Yarn Crawl board and local knitters that had used the site in the past- we focused on the user’s journey from actual people that used the site. The image above is a glance at one of the iterations of the simple site-map layouts.


Some key project requirements were that site front-end users (people using the site for information and purchasing products) and site content-contributors (Rose City Yarn Crawl committee/board members) could use the site on multiple platforms and be able to quickly look up site content. The wireframes were created to demonstrate how the site map would flow for both kinds of users. The system was designed to flow from one venue and event to the next, so that each venue would be equally represented and events and patterns for purchase at each venue would be easy to find.

Visual Design

The Rose City Yarn Crawl provided us with their logo, a large library of professional knit and crochet pattern images, and inspirational website examples for us to gain design cues from. We worked with the committee to come up with the rest of the design elements. We considered how each color, transition, type, etc would contribute or detract from the UI of the site, the design preferences of the committee, and the site’s ease of use.

We went through multiple rounds of visual design development before arriving at the final design choice. The ultimate goal was to make sure that the site was responsive, easy to move through, and consistent in its design. We came up with a site that features event calendars to easily add and share events, interactive maps, slideshows showcasing knitting and crocheting images,  incorporated ecommerce, and an interactive patterns page.

Visual Design

The Rose City Yarn Crawl provided us with their logo, a large library of professional knit and crochet pattern images, and inspirational website examples for us to gain design cues from. We worked with the committee to come up with the rest of the design elements. We considered how each color, transition, type, etc would contribute or detract from the UI of the site, the design preferences of the committee, and the site’s ease of use.

We went through multiple rounds of visual design development before arriving at the final design choice. The ultimate goal was to make sure that the site was responsive, easy to move through, and consistent in its design. We came up with a site that features event calendars to easily add and share events, interactive maps, slideshows showcasing knitting and crocheting images,  incorporated ecommerce, and an interactive patterns page.


13 + 5 =

CHIFOO Rebranding & Website

CHIFOO Rebrand

Website Redesign | Graphic Design | Wire Frames | Responsive Design | Branding | UX

The rebranding of CHIFOO (Computer Human Interaction Forum of Oregon) had been in discussion for years. The plan to restructure and rebrand came to a head in 2015 when the website began crashing and its back-end administration began to unravel. The process of rebranding CHIFOO began in 2015 when CHIFOO’s board members discussed its history, goals, and mission with Avocational Design.

Avocational Design and a team of dedicated CHIFOO board members launched the new site and logo in January of 2016 to go along with CHIFOO’s 2016 Speaker Series. CHIFOO was thrilled with having a responsive, clean and modern website.

Design Process

Take a look at some of the process.

Logo Redesign

First to be addressed were sprucing up of the logo and brand elements that were iconic to tech but had become slightly dated. The logo needed to symbolize the commitment that CHIFOO had to its community of members, its intellectual and thought-provoking speaker series, and be bold and simple enough to set it apart from the many other HCI/UX meetups happening locally and globally. Avocational Design submitted many possible logos and went through rounds of edits and reviews with the CHIFOO board to come up with its new logo. The logo is based after the power button icon for computers/phones/etc; the speakers that CHIFOO painstakingly schedules for each year’s speaker series give thought provoking lectures that turn listeners on to new ideas and technology. The human figure is at the center of the logo since CHIFOO is focused on helping educate academics, practicing professionals, students, and HCI enthusiasts.

Site Map | Wireframes

Next came the redesign of the website itself. After the completion of research of similarly community oriented/tech websites, a few drafts of a new IA, and many long discussions, we began work on implementing the website design. We went through multiple example wireframes of possible website themes and looks that would convey a welcoming “vibe”, a sense of community, and updated modern feel.